Our track records

Our transparency page strives to build trust with you by disclosing how we have performed across all campaigns to date. Please note that the figures refer to the number of campaigns. The percentage in brackets refers to the corresponding funding volume in relation to the total funding volume. Last updated 03/02/2024.

Our track record
  • Successfully funded campaigns
    351 (100%)This is the total number of campaigns that fully achieved their funding target.
  • Active campaigns

  • Campaigns without delays
    296 (88,34%)Campaigns in which all interest and principal payments are on schedule.
  • Campaigns with payment delays
    2 (0,32%)This figure indicates the number of campaigns in which there was a delay in payments to investors.
  • Closed campaigns

  • Campaigns that were repaid within the term of the campaign
    45 (9,56%)This figure indicates the number of campaigns that have already been repaid in full and on time.
  • Campaigns that ended early and were repaid in full
    6 (1,40%)This figure indicates the campaigns that have already been repaid on time and in full.
  • Campaigns that ended early and were only partially repaid
    2 (0.38%)This figure indicates the number of campaigns that were repaid early, with only part of the invested capital being repaid to the investors.
  • Campaigns with complete loss of investment
    0 (0%)This figure indicates the number of campaigns in which there was a complete loss of the invested capital.
Campaigns with complete loss of capital
This case has not yet occurred.
>track record