ecoligo invest GmbH
Zimmerstr. 90
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 311 985 95
Commercial register: District Court Berlin (Charlottenburg), HRB 268936 B
Managing Director: Martin Baart
VAT registration number: DE317538362
ecoligo invest GmbH is a contractually bound agent within the meaning of Section 3 (2) WpIG and, when providing investment brokerage services in accordance with Section 2 (2) no. 3 WpIG, acts exclusively for the account and under the liability of CONCEDUS GmbH, Eckental.
The ecoligo invest GmbH is registered with the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) as a tied agent of CONCEDUS GmbH and entered in the register of tied agents of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority under the registration number 80179630.
The register of tied agents can be found at:
Liabilty roof:
Schlehenstr. 6
90542 Eckental
Phone: +49 9126 206 393 0 Internet:
Commercial register: District Court of Fürth, HRB 17058
Managing Director: Johannes Zeiß
VAT registration number: DE 325393110
Competent supervisory authority: Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)
Marie-Curie-Straße 24-28, 60439 Frankfurt
and Graurheindorfer Str. 108, 53117 Bonn
Telephone: +49 (0) 228/4108-0
Fax: +49 (0) 228/4108-1550
Complaints opportunity:
For complaints, please use our email address If your complaint concerns investment brokerage, ecoligo invest GmbH will forward your complaint directly to CONCEDUS GmbH. You also have the option of contacting CONCEDUS GmbH, Eckental, directly with your complaint if it relates to investment brokerage. The contact details for CONCEDUS GmbH can be found at the top of this page.
Consumer information:
The European Commission has set up a European online dispute resolution platform at Consumers can use this platform for the out-of-court resolution of a dispute arising from online contracts with a company established in the EU. To do so, they must complete an online complaint form, which can be accessed at the above address.
Due to legal obligations, CONCEDUS GmbH and ecoligo invest GmbH participate in the dispute resolution proceedings of the conciliation body responsible for them at the Deutsche Bundesbank in the event of disputes arising from or concerning consumer contracts with CONCEDUS GmbH or ecoligo invest GmbH.
Contact details for the conciliation body:
Conciliation Body at the Deutsche Bundesbank
P.O. Box 10 06 02
60006 Frankfurt am Main
Telephone: +49 69 9566-3232
Fax: +49 69 709090-9901
The Imprint is written in and shall be legally binding and decisive in German only. The English language translation is provided for convenience purposes only.