How it works
About ecoligo
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How it works
About ecoligo
Track record
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Technical details & fees
Why is the minimum investment amount €100?
I have used a bonus code. When will the bonus be paid out to me?
What happens if a project is not fully funded?
How does ecoligo determine the term of a loan and how is it defined?
About ecoligo invest
Is ecoligo or ecoligo invest a bank?
What does ecoligo invest stand for?
How secure is my investment if I take out a loan through ecoligo invest?
Who determines the conditions of a loan?
Can companies also invest via ecoligo invest?
When do project managers receive the impact investing funds?
When should I transfer my investment amount?
What happens if I do not transfer the invested amount within the deadline?
What is a bullet payment and how does it work?
What is an annuity loan and how does it work?
What is an instalment loan and how does it work?
How does a model with 50% annuity and 50% bullet repayment work?
What is a cashback bonus?
Questions about ecoStart
Why is the minimum amount set at €4,000?
What is the maximum investment I can make in ecoStart?
How are the projects selected?
Is ecoStart subject to tax?
How safe is my investment in ecoStart?
What is a brokerage account and why do I need one?
When will my ecoStart Solar bond appear in my brokerage account?
How it works?
How can I invest via ecoligo invest?
Can I also make an investment on site and in cash at ecoligo's offices or at a project site?
Can I make an investment without internet access?
Can I cancel an investment?
What is a subordinated loan and why is this the only type of loan used for investments in open projects?
Institutional lenders
What is an institutional lender and how do they influence my investment if they have also invested in a project portfolio?
Which projects are financed by institutional lenders?
Why do you finance projects with institutional lenders?
Taxes & interest
Is the interest from a loan taxable?
Who pays out my interest and when can I expect the interest payments?
Can I submit a non-assessment certificate / exemption order?
How does the payment of church tax (KiSt) work?
Does ecoligo Offer Services to US Citizens?
Can anyone see that I am making an investment?
What data do I need to provide to make an investment?
How secure is my data with ecoligo invest?
Where can I find my documents, such as tax documents?
Can I change the e-mail address of my ecoligo invest user account?
How can I delete my ecoligo invest user account?
Why do I have to provide a reference bank account?
Is it possible to use a bank account from another country?
Can another person be the holder of the bank account?
What should I do if my bank details have changed since I invested?
Can I leave my investments in my will?
How do you ensure that companies pay for their solar energy?
How do you ensure that the projects are carried out safely and effectively and thus fulfil the customers' requirements?
Are all projects insured?
How do you deal with currency risk?
CO₂ emissions
How does ecoligo calculate CO₂ savings?
What overall effect do the projects have apart from saving CO₂ emissions?
How does ecoligo use the capital from my impact investment?
Who installs the solar systems?
What happens when the community of impact investors finances an existing system or one that is already under construction?
Business model
In which markets is ecoligo active?