Tonnes of CO2 savings
MWp signed

The climate clock is ticking

There are six years left until climate change is irreversible. Global energy demand is expected to rise by 50% by 2050 — exponential growth we can’t support with fossil fuels. We must transition our economies to renewable energy faster than we ever have. By bringing renewables to emerging markets where business is expanding and energy prices are climbing, we’re reducing carbon emissions and adding time to the clock.

Giant leaps, not baby steps

The ecoligo solution is about creating real change on the planet that we can see, feel and touch.

By bringing together private investors and companies in emerging markets, we’re reducing emissions, generating valuable returns and bolstering the economy. ecoligo clients access solar-as-a-service that’s fully financed, while lowering their energy costs and reducing their CO2 emissions. ecoligo’s model is economical and sustainable, and demand for the service is growing fast.

More people, bigger impact

The climate crisis won’t wait for a bank loan to be approved. Crowdinvestors can fund a project in days, equipping ecoligo to implement a solar system quickly and stopping CO2 emissions from ever being released into the atmosphere. So far, thousands of investors have joined us already, raising millions of Euros for clean energy projects. Each investment has an impact: the more people join, the sooner we save the planet.

Potential in emerging markets

Businesses in growing economies benefit the most from solar energy because they stand to save hundreds of thousands of Euros in electricity costs. They get more time to focus on their own growth and success. In turn, that growth boosts the local economy and provides more stable livelihoods to business owners and their employees.

And the impact goes even further. More solar solutions generating clean energy means less CO2 in the atmosphere. More solar installed means more investors seeing solid returns on their investments.

Here we grow

ecoligo is already having a massive impact around the globe. In 2020 alone, we entered three new countries and signed more solar projects in one year than we have in our entire history. And we're ready for more.

We're eager to scale up as quickly as possible to bring solar to any businesses in the Global South that would benefit from clean, renewable energy. Getting more crowdinvestors on board makes our projects possible and means a greater environmental impact for the Earth.

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